Fire Pit

The Queens’ fire pit is located in the middle of the residential quad. It makes sense that the public space is in the middle of most of the residence halls. It is where the most traffic is located after dinner, which is about the time people start bonfires. When there is an event, people can easily see what is going on and can join the fun! It is also conveniently located near campus police so they can monitor the fire if it gets out of hand. They run a hose from their building to the fire pit and provide a fire extinguisher.

The fire pit is round and is about 4 bricks high. It is large enough to hold about 20 – 25 people sitting on the surrounding brick wall. In the middle is usually a few logs that can be used to start the fire. The rest of them have to be picked up from campus police. There are about 4 trees that surround the fire pit and create a canopy above it. I feel like the trees help enclose the space along with the brick wall. The space feels very inviting and has no closed walls. It is open to everyone and makes people stand in a big circle.

The fire pit is off of one of the walkways that connects campus police to the middle of the library and Wireman. In order to get to the fire pit, one must venture off the path! There is no entrance and there is path that takes you directly to the brick wall, although the path does come close. It is up for the user’s interpretation of how to use the space. Overall, it is a lively and safe space to use. It is not sustainable nor is it healthy.